As we begin to close out 2015, it’s a great time to sit back and reflect on the year. Here at Metro Crime Stoppers we are thankful for many things. We are thankful to our growing number of Facebook and Twitter followers who share our posts and help spread the word. We are thankful for those who have the courage to call and/or text in a tip to help make their streets safer, and we are thankful for our local law enforcement agencies and their commitment to serve and protect even during tense times.
Metro Crime Stoppers needs your support to continue to offer a reward of up to $2,000 on crimes in the area. That’s why we’re asking for you to join us for #GivingTuesday, December 1, 2015. No donation is too small and 100% goes right into our reward fund. There are no paid positions on the Metro Crime Stoppers board. The volunteers give their time to work with the community and police with the hope that we all have a safer place to call home.
Click here to learn how you can donate now, or join us for #GivingTuesday