Baltimore City Police are investigating an assault and robbery of a 77-year-old man.
It happened January 7, 2024, at 6:45pm in the 200 block of Laurens Street.
The man was left with severe injuries and the family of the victim as well as the surrounding community are hopeful this $32,000 reward will result in tips that lead to an arrest and charges filed in this case.
The suspects are described as 4 Black juveniles. They were seen fleeing south on 1700 Jordan Street in two different vehicles. One was a black SUV and the other was a silver-colored SUV.
Western District Detectives are looking for any information regarding this crime.
Submit a tip from Metro Crime Stoppers to be eligible for the reward by calling 1-866-7-LOCKUP or by clicking here.
The reward is part of a collaborative effort to assist police with an arrest(s). $2,000 is coming from Metro Crime Stoppers and an anonymous donor has offered another $30,000.
If a private reward is large enough that the total reward provided by Metro Crime Stoppers and the private reward combined exceeds $9,999.99, then specific reporting requirements specified in the federal USA Patriot Act are necessary. This may require identification of the person receiving the rewards and also require tax reporting requirements. In all cases when Metro Crime Stoppers is handling the payment of the funds the $10,000.00 conditions apply. Amounts less than $10,000.00 do not require this additional identification.