March 24, 2025

Submit A Tip

There are three way to submit an anonymous tip to the Metro Crime Stoppers of Maryland.

  1. You may provide anonymous information on the above crime by calling the Metro Crime Stoppers hotline, available 24-hours a day, toll free at 1-866-7LOCKUP.
  2. You may also submit your anonymous tip online here

Crime Stoppers does not use Caller ID or record telephone conversations. A special coding system protects the identity of the caller. Crime Stoppers also takes calls from persons with information about any felony.

Information leading to the arrest and/or indictment of a felony suspect could qualify the caller for a reward as determined by the Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, up to $2000.

For more information on Metro Crime Stoppers of Maryland, visit our website at or call Crime Stoppers toll free at 1-866-7LOCKUP.